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RRG GIS Datenbasis
General Information
Transport networks
Regions boundaries, administrative boundaries
Interaction data and regional data
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TCP International

RRG GIS Database

General information - Main Features and Advantages

Compared to other similar databases, the RRG GIS Database is distinguished by the following features and characteristics:

  • Seamless coverage for the whole of Europe; even though generally all layers cover the whole of Europe, it would be possible to obtain data for individual countries or even individual regions.

  • Inclusion of all modes of transport (road, rail, air, waterways, public transport, freight hubs), plus other geographical objects such as region boundaries or city locations.

  • Harmonised attribute codings and attribute definitions across all layers and all countries, allowing easy understanding and easy working with the various layers

  • Database available at medium scale (resolution) adjusted for strategic (transport) planning projects or strategic analyses at regional, national and international level. If required, the layers will be pre-processed by RRG in a way that the layer contents and structures meet best the requirements of our clients.

  • availability of important attributes necessary for transport modelling at a strategic (national or regional) level. Such attributes include, inter alias, link and node (hub) capacities, speed limits, timetable travel times, frequency of services, or link-node topology.

  • The RRG GIS Database is to date the only comprehensive commercial database including a complete coding of the trans-European Transport Outline Plans (TEN-T) of the European Commission, including the envisaged completion years, the status of the construction works (finished, underway, in planning stage, under construction), and the type of construction works (for example, upgrade from 2 to 4 lanes, electrification, additional tracks etc.). Besides the TEN-T projects also other national outline plans as published by responsible transport ministries or agencies are coded, covering a future time period until 2030.

  • On top of the railway network, timetable travel times between major stations are available for various years. The RRG GIS Database is the only commercial GIS database providing maximum rail speeds for railway sections for different years, de-rived from timetable information. Such speeds do not represent the design speed of a section, but the actual speeds travelled by various types of operating train services (slow regional trains, rapid urban trains, IC trains, high-speed trains).

  • All data will be delivered in an open and flexible data format, i.e. the user can query, edit, add, remove or otherwise adjust all geometries as well as all attributes and attribute structures according to his specific needs. In contrast to other databases, the RRG GIS Database is not encapsulated in native data formats, allowing for full access to all feature geometries and feature attributes. RRG also offers to adjust the data structures to the needs of our clients, which may also include adding specific information or to pre-process specific data.

  • The database is available in a variety of data formats, including ESRI´s data formats (personal/file geodatabase, shapefiles, ArcInfo coverages), MapInfo and customized ASCII formats. Unlike other data providers, selling their data only in one single (native) data format, RRG is providing the data in that data format that is best suitable for each client, including client-specific ASCII or MS Office formats.

  • Basic data formats (ArcGIS personal geodatabase, ArcInfo coverage, ASCII file format) maintain topological relationships between different feature classes (such as arc-node topology, polygon-arc topology etc.).

  • RRG also offers a full backcast of the road and railway networks back to 1950, allowing to illustrate and analyse the historic development of the road and railway networks from 1950 up to 2030 taken into account the future outline plans (see above). Other commercial data vendors cannot offer any backcast of these networks.

  • RRG offers to add customised attributes to the different layers, according to the needs of our cloents (for instance, attributes representing congestion probability, border delays etc.).

  • The database can be delivered in a variety of projections and co-ordinate systems.

  • The database can be licensed as a whole package including all layers for entire Europe, or as individual configurations. Individual configuration may include a selection of specific layers, but may also include specific spatial subsets (e.g. covering only a limited number of countries or even individual regions or areas).

  • In general, RRG provides open and flexible licensing conditions.

  • RRG is offering full support and annual updates to the data layers if required.

  • The RRG GIS Database is available at affordable prices.

 More on this topic
Related documents:General database description

RRG GIS Database contents:

General information

General database description
Projection and resolution
Number of features (overview)
Data formats
Main Features and Advantages
Contact, license and ordering information

Transport networks
Region boundaries, admninistrative boundaries
Interaction data and regional data
Informationen zur RRG GIS Datenbasis sind nur auf Englisch verfügbar.
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