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RRG GIS Database

Region boundaries, admninistrative boundaries - INTERREG IIIB (2000-2006) Cooperation Areas

General information

There are ten polygon layers available representing the ten different INTERREG IIIB (2000-2006) cooperation areas, i.e. there is one layer available per cooperation area. Each layer covers only those NUTS regions that constitute the specific cooperation area; however, the boundaries of the NUTS regions correspond to the boundaries provided with the individual NUTS layers.

The following cooperation areas are available (the name of the layer is given in brackets):

  • Northern Periphery (COPNP),

  • North Sea (COPNS),

  • Baltic Sea (COPBS),

  • North West Europe (COPNWE),

  • Atlantic Area (COPAA),


  • South West Europe (COPSWE),

  • Western Mediterranean (COPWM),

  • Alpine Space (COPAS),

  • Archimed (COPARC).

Each layer includes arc and polygon feature classes, whose attributes basically are identical with the attributes provided with the NUTS-3 region layer.

Feature classes: Arcs, polygons (*.AAT, *.PAT)
No of arc features:
No of polygon features:
User attributes associated with AAT: 1
User attributes associated with PAT: 6

Detailed description of the arc attribute table

The AATs of the cooperation area coverages contain only one user-defined attribute. The classification of the BOUNDARY attribute can be used to select and draw different types of boundaries, if required. Since the NUTS system is a hierarchical system, all higher level boundaries represent at the same time also a lower level boundary. For example, a country boundary is at the same time always a NUTS-1 region boundary, and all NUTS-1 region boundaries are at the same time NUTS-2 region boundaries, so as NUTS-2 region boundaries represent NUTS-3 region boundaries as well.

Attribute Width Output Type Dec. Contents
BOUNDARY 4 4 I --- Boundary classification
1 = Shores
2 = Country boundary
3 = NUTS-1 region boundary
4 = NUTS-2 region boundary
5 = NUTS-3 region boundary

Detailed description of the polygon attribute table

The PATs of the cooperation area coverages contain the following user-defined attributes:

Attribute Width Output Type Dec. Contents
COUNTRY 4 6 C --- ISO country code
NUTS1_CODE 3 3 C --- NUTS-1 region code
NUTS2_CODE 4 6 C --- NUTS-2 region code
NUTS3_CODE 6 8 C --- NUTS-3 region code
NUTS3_NAME 25 25 C --- Name of NUTS-3 region
NUTS2TOTAREA 8 18 F 6 Total area of NUTS-3 region (in sqkm)

The attributes COUNTRY, NUTS1_CODE, NUTS2_CODE and NUTS3_CODE represent the official ISO codes as defined and used by Eurostat for the respective NUTS levels. These codes can be used both to join statistical data to the layer and to aggregate NUTS-3 regions to higher levels.

NUTS3_NAME gives the official NUTS-3 region name, whereas NUTS3TOTAREA represents the total NUTS-3 region area. This attribute should not be confused with the ArcInfo internal area attribute, which represents the area of the individual polygon in question. In contrast, NUTS3TOTAREA represents the total region area, i.e. if the region consists of several polygons the areas of all polygons are summed up in this attribute.

 More on this topic
Related documents:ISO Country Codes
NUTS-3 level

RRG GIS Database contents:

General information
Transport networks
Region boundaries, admninistrative boundaries

Introduction to boundary layers
Country boundaries (NUTS-0 level)
NUTS-1 level
NUTS-2 level
NUTS-3 level
INTERREG IIIB (2000-2006) Cooperation Areas
National capital cities
NUTS-1 centroids
NUTS-2 centroids
Regional cities (NUTS-3 centroids)

Interaction data and regional data
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