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RRG GIS Database

Region boundaries, admninistrative boundaries - NUTS-1 centroids

General information

This point layer provides the location and attributive information for NUTS-1 region centroids. The cities included in this layer are identical to the centroids of the NUTS-1 region layer. Because the national capital cities are always also centroids of NUTS-1 regions, the NUTS0CENT layer is a subset of this layer. This layer can be used just for mapping purposes or as points of interest, but can also be used for specific analytical purposes. The main features of this coverage are:

Layer names: NUTS1CENT
Feature classes: points (*.PAT)
No of point features: 104
User attributes associated with PAT: 10

Detailed description of the point attribute table

The PAT of the NUTS1CENT coverage contains the following user-defined attributes:

Attribute Width Output Type Dec. Contents
POINTID 10 10 I --- Unique point ID xx.yyyy
xx = Country ID
yyyy = point number 0001 …
LABEL 30 30 CI --- City name
COUNTRY 4 4 C --- ISO country code
NUTS1_CODE 4 4 C --- NUTS-1 region code
POPCITY 8 8 I --- City population (in 1,000)
POPAGG 8 8 I --- Agglomeration population (in 1,000)
POPNUTS1 8 8 I --- Population of NUTS-1 region (in 1,000)
POPCOUNT 8 8 I --- Country population (in 1,000)
X-COORD 4 12 F 3 X-coordinate (in m)
Y-COORD 4 12 F 3 Y-coordinate (in m)

POINTID represents a unique point ID, with x.0000 representing the capital city (x = country ID). The POINTIDs of the national capital cities in this layer are identical to the POINTIDs in the NUTS0CENT layer.

LABEL gives the name of the city.

COUNTRY indicates the ISO country code of the country in which the city is located, whereas NUTS1_CODE provides the official NUTS-1 region code as published by Eurostat in which the city is located.

POPCITY, POPAGG, POPNUTS1 and POPCOUNT provide actual population figures for the city (POPCITY), the entire agglomeration area (POPAGG), the respective NUTS-1 region (POPNUTS1) and the overall country (POPCOUNT). If a city does not constitute a greater agglomeration area, then the population figures provided in POPAGG and POPCITY are identical.

X-COORD and Y-COORD give the geographical position of the city centre.

 More on this topic
Related documents:ISO Country Codes
NUTS-1 level

RRG GIS Database contents:

General information
Transport networks
Region boundaries, admninistrative boundaries

Introduction to boundary layers
Country boundaries (NUTS-0 level)
NUTS-1 level
NUTS-2 level
NUTS-3 level
INTERREG IIIB (2000-2006) Cooperation Areas
National capital cities
NUTS-1 centroids
NUTS-2 centroids
Regional cities (NUTS-3 centroids)

Interaction data and regional data
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