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RRG GIS Database

Geography - Raster systems

General information

Raster systems (also often called 'grid' systems) are regular polygon systems of different resolutions that are used as tools or as spatial entities in many scientific, research and planning applications. RRG is pleased to provide you with individual raster systems generated to match your specific needs. The individual raster systems that can be generated are subject to

  • spatial resolution (i.e. grid size; examples would be: 50x50 meters, 1x1 km, 5x5 km)

  • spatial coverage (for instance, the whole of Europe, individual countries, specific areas)

  • origin of the raster system

  • Upon consultation there would be a number of possible attributes available that can be associated with the raster system. Such information include, but are not limited to:

  • Raster cell identification number (ID)

  • Predominant land use or land coverage

  • Accessibility or travel times from/to certain origin(s) or destination(s)

  • Population density or population potential

  • Country, region or municipality codes or names

  • X-/y-coordinates of the cell centroid

  • One or more of such information could be assigned to the raster cells, generated based on the other available layer of the RRG GIS Database.

    Optionally it would also be possible to generate hierarchical regular raster systems, i.e. where one raster cell is constituted of four smalle raster cells each of which in turn may also be constituted of four even smaller cells. The number and resolution of the hierarchy levels may be specified according to the actual application needs.

    Possible applications for such raster systems are, among others,

  • Environmental applications and environmental models

  • Transport planning

  • Town and regional planning

  • Urban and regional research

  • Service areas and isochrones

  • Location decisions

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