RRG GIS Database
Geography - Geocoding AddressesGeneral information
Address information are important for various purposes. Most data have an explicit spatial dimension in that they can be localised in space. However, translating address information to (point) layers often is time-consuming.
The RRG Address Locator is designed to geocode addresses automatically. The accuracy of the geocoding is at zip code level. Currently, geocoding services can only be offered for Germany.
The RRG Address Locator accepts various digital input data format (Excel, dbase, ASCII); however at least the zip code of the location or facilities needs to be provided. Additional information may include street and city names, house numbers and facility names. The RRG Address Locator works with small address collections, as well as with huge numbers of addresses.
The output of the geocoding process will be a point layer with the geocoded locations. The point layer inter alias includes the x-/y-coordinates of each location, along with the other information provided. Any desired projection may be chosen.
RRG GIS Database contents:General information
Transport networks
Region boundaries, admninistrative boundaries
Available geographic datasets
Cities in Europe
Annotation layer
Raster systems
Geocoding Addresses
Interaction data and regional data
Informationen zur RRG GIS Datenbasis sind nur auf Englisch verfügbar. |